Each Chapter is a game session, but the division into books is entirely arbitrary. These occur at logical points, but were often only really obvious in retrospect. The Chapter titles came from the events in the game session, but the Book titles are again entirely arbitrary and my own invention.
The original notes were written on paper and then transcribed into electronic documents in a massive burst of over enthusiasm. This was not a procedure that I could ever recommend to anyone. These paper based chapters comprise all of Books One and Two, and Chapters One and Four of Book Three. The rest were written directly on to my naff old 486 laptop with its black and white screen.
In a much later burst of over enthusiasm I then went through the whole lot again when preparing this web site. This time I corrected the obvious errors and spelling mistakes. However there remains much still to do with them. Such as doing something about the maps, which you will find references to in the main body of the text. Such as turning notes into recognisable sentences.
Additionally it is noticeable that as sobriety decreases the terseness of the notes tends to increase. This means that I might well fiddle with the notes and expand them in some places. I also have additional material waiting to be incorporated on such subjects as the Equani, the Tale of Caelyndd and the general Harnic background. Perhaps one day I might do something about it.
I have to confess that I didn't actually write everything, most noticably the various e-mails in Book 4. In addition some of the character descriptions were also thoughtfully provided by the players. However I did add comments and some other bits, depending what I was given. And Zytsi's poem of course. Not forgetting that some of the dialogue in the actual notes is actually a faithful record, such as "Famous people build bridges by paying some bricky to do it."
In the game Aruth provides the party with transport and wizardry, and in real life Martin provided me with the net transport and technical wizardry to allow you to read this. Thanks Martin, I wouldn�t have done it without all your hard work. Now I really ought to get around to getting a proper home computer and get connected to the Internet...
... Now much later on in time, and two laptops later I have revamped things somewhat. It is now possible to work out when and where we are. And all the Word docs have now been saved as filtered html pages for an easier browsing experience...