����������������������������������������������������������� Book 10, Chapter 4 �D-Day For Harn�



This is it! We are the famous Erana Sir Martyn Yanyez De Barbudo, Zytsi the magnificent Khuzdul mason, Aruth the legendary driver of the War Wagon with the beautiful paintjob, Daniel the legendary Bard with the wondrous Harp of Galeroth and Bowlhead the close friend of Gloriana. After this Harn will be no more! Panaga must die!


Below the sewers we go, we have a map. We�ve promised to kill Icarus, well that was silly wasn�t it. Once killed Panaga should be a doddle. Oh yeah really. One last prevarication from Mike about the Sword of Larani and the Hand of Agrik. Will the Sword of Larani cast Dancing Weapon on the Shield of Larani which is in the Hand of Agrik? Yes.


Yea verily was there a variety of 10 minute per level spells being cast, Battle Link for Bowlhead and Inspirations II +20 from Daniel. We walk through the sewers until we find the tunnels we need. Someone dug up from the Tower to the sewers. Down the stairs we go and Bowlhead leads us to the first node, where there are four Balrog-type things, they appear to be on guard and having a tiff and haven�t noticed us. It looks like Bowlhead kills three of them in the first round before anyone gets to do anything (two consecutive half rounds left to act). The last one is out of reach. Next round Aruth shoots the last and effectively kills it, but Sir Martyn throws his morning star at it any way.


At the next node there are seven of these Balrog-things. We fail to sneak up on them and the front rank is hit by fire, except Sir Martyn is immolated so they all hit Zytsi instead, they look depressed as it has no effect. Then four of them die. Then three run, but one gets shot by Sir Martyn and dies, Aruth stuns one with an arrow and Daniel and Zytsi follow it, the last one left is followed by the rest and Bowlhead kills it. The next round Zytsi throws his hammer and kills it.


At the next node there are 5 exits and there predictably 5 of these creatures. One each and they all die in the first round. �You�re right using the bastard sword two-handed kills them on the damage� says Daniel. Bowlhead has a plan and he�s leading us! The next node is another five exits with five of these demons. Aruth doesn�t kill his, but the rest of us do ours and Sir Martyn stuns Aruth�s as well as killing his. The next round it dies in missile phase.


Bowlhead plan was overruled at this point as all it was doing was leading us to demons to kill. We now use �Guesses� to find Icarus. So now we head northwest and don�t get as far as the node, we get to the next junction. Sir Martyn says turn left and Bowlhead says straight on, but then he�s fixated on nodes. Guess at next junction. Sir Martyn says right and Bowlhead says left, right is closer to Panaga so we go left. And at the next crossroad Sir Martyn says left and Bowlhead says right, so we go left to a crossroads. Sir Martyn wants to go left and Bowlhead says back the way we came. So we go to the place on the map marked Icarus, the one place we know he�s not but it�s a dead end so we may as well search it.


We sneak up and there is an eight foot tall demon in full plate mail, with a Fear Aura. Aruth and Daniel are Feared so it�s back to the bad old days. It�s not seen us yet so Sir Martyn and Zytsi sneak up on it, it�s praying to Manuasha, the First God of Primal Fire. It takes about 280 points of damage and turns round. The combat starts and Sir Martyn is Must Parrying for 2 rounds so he removes the Fear from Daniel who uses this and the next round to wind up. In that next round it casts Utterdark and hits Zytsi who collapses to the floor, but invoked a figurine and just has a few broken ribs. We can�t get spells through to it as it has levels on us, except the Absolution which does. However its Soul goes to wherever soul goes to which is exactly where it is in this room.


The lights went on very briefly. Zytsi backed off and Sir Martyn hit it as he was using SLA. Sir Martyn killed it as he stopped juggling his non-Larani weapon. The Larani Sword gave him ear ache as it can�t fumble when fighting demons. Bowlhead cures Zytsi and we find:

+25 sword, additional critical

+25 shield

+25 plate mail, AT 20


<<Fish and chips dinner and we aren�t finishing today are we.>>


Back to the crossroads and Guess, Sir Martyn says right, which is retracing our steps, and Bowlhead says left. So we go right back to crossroads and Sir Martyn says right and Bowlhead says back the way we came. Next junction Sir Martyn says left and Bowlhead says back the way we came. And we are now 25 feet away from where we started this plan. Then both want to go back the way we�ve just been. It goes on and on like this. Sir Martyn doesn�t want us to go too near Pagana.


We get to another node with 4 exits and 4 demons, in a huddle and not seeing us at all. They die without realising we are there. Then our Guesses say back the way we came for both. Then they dither for a while. Then they realise they have mostly pointed towards Panaga. We start the wind up and � � � � � � � � � � � � � ... look it�ll take about 4 hours and it will go on too long so there will another session.


There was then a long discussion on Harn, games and stuff.


Anyone would think we don�t really want to finish this!





