����������������������������������������������������������� Book 10, Chapter 5 �This is it, it�s finally the End�yet again�
This is it�.again! We are the famous Erana Sir Martyn Yanyez De Barbudo, Zytsi the magnificent Khuzdul mason, Aruth the legendary driver of the War Wagon with the beautiful paintjob, Daniel the legendary Bard with the wondrous Harp of Galeroth and Bowlhead the close friend of Gloriana. After this Harn will be no more! Panaga must die! Oh yes I said that last time didn�t I. Oh well this time it is really it! Honest! Apart from the cheese board and our fine selection of Aldebaran Liquors.
We do our wind ups and Zytsi uses a spell to look round the corner to see what is there. There are six humanoids of various sizes in armour with strange looking 4 stringed crossbows and two handed swords, plus two other exits. There are two by each exit. Hmm they must be constructs. This must be the entrance to Panaga�s lair. We sneak down the corridor and charge down the stairs, silently. Each of the front rank gets 4 crossbow bolts fired at them, so that�s Sir Martyn and Zytsi. They then drop their crossbows and draw their two handed swords. Sir Martyn�s Lady of the Flowing Red does E criticals, lucky they are Demons not Constructs. The Demons hit first, then Sir Martyn hits his one twice doing times 5 damage on the two handed sword table and it dies and then he hits Zytsi�s one twice and kills that one as well. Well he is fully wound up for the final big fight.
Then we head towards one pair, who ineffectively shoots the front rank. Aruth puts an Air Wall between the other pair and the rest of the party. One of those shoots Bowlhead for a lot of damage, and Daniel for not a lot. The demons pull back and we charge them. Zytsi doesn�t make it and Aruth stops behind him. The rest follow the fleeing demons and a portcullis traps us in there. Sir Martyn kills them; however they are some more demons behind a grill who shoot at us. Sir Martyn was shot by two ineffectively, Bowlhead falls over, and they miss Daniel, much to his immense surprise.
There was then a discussion about the weight of iron which involved Siri, Sir Martyn was upset that he needs to cast his spell several times for us to get out, and Daniel stuffs some herbs into Bowlhead to make the Healer better. Meanwhile the other two demons move up on Zytsi and Aruth, and they kill one of them. The remaining one hacks ineffectively at Aruth, but the next round he is knocked down by it. No he wasn�t he reduced the critical by one level and was actually worse off. Zytsi and Aruth wears the final demon down some. Meanwhile Sir Martyn Fireballs the demons and Daniel gives another drug to the Healer. And then the next round he gives him 4 rook and takes a mirena berry on general principles. He considers that he could Cracks the wall, but it would be a waste of time. Meanwhile Zytsi puts the last demon round.
Sir Martyn Fireballs his demons again, caught himself as well, and they were also in his Our Lady of the Flowing Red Aura. They are still alive but taking some damage. Zytsi use his spell to see down the other corridor, it opens out into a large area with another 2 demons. Down the corridor the rest of us charged up are four more demons, of a different type each wielding 2 two-handed swords. The new four close just outside of melee range with Zytsi and Aruth.
Bowlhead stun reliefs Auth over the Combat Link, and Sir Martyn casts Barrier Pit under the portcullis so we can get out. So we get out and there is a new combat. Bowlhead and Daniel aren�t in combat yet. They go first against Zytsi and Aruth, and then Sir Martyn. Then it�s our goes and it drags on. Zytsi serious hurt one, Sir Martyn puts two down. Next round Aruth fire a Triad of Lighting at the one Zytsi hit and it�s at -50 with 8 hits. Then the four demons behind the grill pop up and shoot Bowlhead and Daniel, so we rush into combat. Daniel hits one that hits him back and both are damaged. Sir Martyn kills the last one and pushes the party on.
Bowlhead slurps the damage on the move. Sir Martyn moves on and attracts the crossbow bolts from the two demons round the corner. Bowlhead leads Daniel who was still stunned. Sir Martyn arrives at the demons, Zytsi also charges up, obviously without an attack. They attack ineffectively and Sir Martyn hits both twice and kills them. This is a sort of heart shaped room 120 feet wide in the middle to about 20 feet at the pointed bit where we are. The room is about 180 feet long and 30 foot high. There are two doors over at the far side of the room. At 12 o�clock there are double doors, 1 o�clock and at 7 o�clock there are single doors. Double doors are open standing in them is 9 foot tall, typical demonic armour holding a large sceptre in the right hand and a three headed fail in his left. There is a large pool, offset in the middle of the room.
The party gets out a box and asks if he is Icarus. It slowly raises his arms and fireballs shoot out. The party charge! Sir Martyn, Aruth and Bowlhead arrive, and Zytsi and Daniel are 60 feet behind them. Then the daemon goes bang with two fireballs. Blowhead�s trousers are on fire. Daniel realises he is the only one that isn�t armour type 20. Sir Martyn casts the �Commune� spell �Is this Icarus?� and it almost fails (Dear Larani what are you wearing?) but the answer is No.
Aruth fired and it bounced off. Sir Martyn�s sword bounced off, as does Zytsi�s hammer. It does two more fireballs, very large. Bowlhead and Daniel are very upset and Aruth falls over. Bowlhead and Daniel runs away and Zytsi grabs Aruth and runs away as well. Daniel takes some drugs, and then again as he�s hasted. The next fireball randomly hits Sir Martyn.
Bowlhead opens his door and see basically Icarus in stasis in. Daniel opens his and see a short pudgy man about 5 foot tall in brown robes. Basically it�s Timothy Small in Brown Robes. Panaga strikes at Daniel and rolls 01 and falls over. Daniel giggles instead of hitting him or taking drugs, twice as he�s hasted.
Next round. Spell phase: Zytsi Lightning Bolts Panaga but he ignores it, well he gets knocked about a lot. Bowlhead, with his trousers still on fire, rushes over to heal Aruth. Daniel could do a lot of things at this point but decides to hit Panaga as hard as he can. I mean it�s what we�ve aiming for all these long years. So Daniel hits Panaga but essentially hits himself and takes the damage and falls over. Sir Martyn arrives at Icarus with the boxes and the key to open them. Panaga gets up. Zytsi arrives at Panaga, who goes �Bler� or some other random rude noise. Next round Zytsi rolls 260 to save and is at -90% and not feeling very well, Panaga looks more powerful. Aruth turns his staff into a bear and it looks like it wants to turns back into a staff. Sir Martyn pushes the demon bits into the force field and they start re-attaching to Icarus.
Spell results phase Icarus says �Charge�. Even with being -90 Zytsi rolls 130 save versus Fear. In movement Sir Martyn and Icarus charges into combat and Sir Martyn says �When this is over and we�ve killed Panaga�� Zytsi is hit by Panaga with the Human-slaying dagger, lucky he�s a Khuzdul. Sir Martyn and Icarus charge in making the save versus Fear, as does Bowlhead. Sir Martyn hits Panaga with the Fiery sword and it bounces back. Next round there was a round of Evil Channelling spells swapped. Sir Martyn�s spell went through but then it didn�t as it was re-rolled. Panaga�s spell didn�t get through the defences of the Sword of Larani. Sir Martyn punches him in the face with the Hand of Agrik, it�s another table � look we�re not playing RuneQuest you don�t have to use different weapons and tick the box. Panaga hits Sir Martyn and shatters weapon arm, that�s the Larani arm. Bowlhead gets the Panaga spell and is unhappy and at -90%, then slurps Sir Martyn. Zytsi throws his hammer at Panaga and hits himself. Icarus says �Now hit him with everything you�ve got.� Sir Martyn makes his blood boil, he tries to stop the spell once but fails the second save fails anyway. Icarus rolls up and hits him. �Niall roll a critical.� 93, re-roll it 12, Well now Panaga is out of that for the day.
Sir Martyn hits him with the sword of Larani and Panaga disintegrates over three rounds leaving a throbbing black heart, a sceptre, a ring and a dagger. Icarus picks up the heart and disappears.
And that�s it and Harn is over����������
Aruth doesn�t get hit by the last four demons when we leave, Daniel�s miss him spectacularly, Sir Martyn gets shot in the head and Zytsi makes it be re-rolled. We leave and go home.
That�s it then, everything else is anticlimax
So we make a level if it is important, and if it makes us 20 instead of 19 is better
Sir Martyn goes back to Trowbridge, but certain items have to be returned.
Zytsi become a greatest mason in all of Harn, living in Azadmere, after turning down being Head of the Royal Guard becomes the Chief Mason to the King.
Daniel becomes the greatest Bard in all of Harn, in the College of Heralds in Cherafir.
Bowlhead leads the Jarin the rebellion.
Aruth goes back to Burzyn.
And Harn will continue in some form or other.