Book One, Chapter Seven, �The Southern Fish Bandits�
We are in Shiran with a caravan going to Coranan. Yes we are in Tharda. Plan to go to Moleryn (booked through) then Salt Road to Trobridge. Probably by caravan as well as it�s wilderness. About a week to Coranan. 15th Ilvin start.
Martyn gets a horse, and the party gets a mule. Martyn broods and Estalyn had his broken arm fixed. Blowing a gale. Frosty with drizzle. Its shitty. (+10 tent 140d - from Harn�s best tent maker who is Kerbin of Thaimel in Shiran) Not raining next day. Stay in Peden. Dull 2 days to get to Telen. Two and a half thousand population. Stone quarries best on Harn. The Falling Donkey is the place to go - strangers get 1st drink here. Temple of Larani. Big place. Higher than average quality goods. Castle with 100 soldiers. Town run by family/clan Nordaka. There are Temples of Larani, Agrik and Save-K�nor.
Stay at the Falling Donkey, which is very expensive but good. Very good. I get 52 1/2 d for singing and playing all evening.
Last caravan (a small one) all had their throats cut. Markings drawn on their chests.
Estalyn goes into to town to gamble. Giles and Aruth accompany him, 50d winnings. Sneak out back door and avoid trouble. Paid Aruth 15d, Giles something similar. Mason Uri of Gelber, one of finest quarry here. Zytsi orders some stone for delivery to Tashal 250 cubic feet (100d cost, and 500d transport).
The Nordaka family/clan owns thousands of acres near by. Control the 2 political posts. Finger in every pie. They forgive debts and help the disadvantaged! What?
3 days here.
21st Ilvin set off. 4 days to Coranan (25th Ilvin) pretty horrible weather, snows a bit. Shopping in Coranan. Last caravan because caravan master dead - 2 months ago caravan with slit throats. So Aruth organises a caravan. 10 guards, Thorn and Bartok are the best, ex-arena fighters. Boulder, Granite, Chalky, one-armed swordsman Lefty, a woman Slater, Arthur Stone, Rocky, Cliff. 3 days to set up.
29th Ilvin set off 3 days to Moleryn, its snowing and sleeting all day. Its looks bleak. Very dry next 2 days.
1st Navek arrive at Moleryn. 4 merchants (3 wagons, 1 peddler ??Eateleril ??) want to join. 2 more guards Limey and Rooster (one-eyed and fat). Leave 2nd Navek off into the wilderness, across the river.
right 50 yards left
Thorn Zytsi
Bartok 50 yards Caravan 50 yards Granite
Lefty Boulder
Tulwyn are the local Barbarian tribesmen. Honour very high and ruthless, do not be rude to them. Hunters, pig eaters (200 ways of cooking). Ace ambushers but not throat slitters.
Naff weather, it�s all snow and sleet.
On 3rd Navek Zytsi sees line of horse men (not Tulwyn). That night arrows from north. Only Giles gets hit (there are rather a lot of people) in caravan ?75? ?35?. More arrows and more Boulder also got hit.
After 10 minutes we parlay. They want the Fish. Balatar! Why? Balatar doesn�t know. Parlay again. Not Balatar. The 10 barrels of fish. What! Stolen fish? Havaren (joined at last place) Why? Don�t know. I don�t believe it.
Martyn and Zytsi walk up. Enemy charge, Aruth leads guards charge. Over hill, 25 enemy running away from 8 Tulwyn tribesmen. Aruth shoots leader through the ears (both). 3 guards kill 3 enemy, 9 prisoners, rest escape. Aruth pays Tulwyn, who keep the horses.
Giles leader - dead. Who told them they were after stolen gems and jewellery, not fish. Half wagons turn back with the prisoners as guards (Balatar split up his loot 25d each).
Idea for a song �The Southern Fish Bandits�
4th day and nigh quiet, Tulwyn paid off.
Next afternoon there is a rider at the rear. Merchant - throat cut (badly so he is still alive). Woke up with everyone�s throat cut and wagons gone (they got the fish) has a strange symbol on his forehead. ((picture of stickman, rather like the Saint, without halo)). Road to Moleryn, but went wrong way.
Taztos, stop castle 100 men after 3 days i.e. 7th Navek.
Estalyn and �Had-me-own-throat-cut� start gambling. After a few days one of the merchants gets really taken. And again the next night when he learns his lesson.
On 19th Navek party splits. Martyn, Estalyn, Daniel, Balatar and Giles go to Evael (Elfland).
We cross the Farin led by Estalyn. Go through forest. Sense of time and direction totally confused (Balatar has problems for half a day). Estalyn was unaffected and led us. Going to capital Elshavel (They invested in the expedition). The most beautiful city on Harn. Jarin also live here. Best music school in Harn, if not Ivinia. Best of everything.
23rd Navek. King is Aranath. Jori Arien Prince and Constable is his advisor.
The Golden Vessel (joint owned by Elf and Human) the human remembers Martyn from last visit. Clean up invited to royal banquet next evening.
Flowers of Emeralds - jewellers - Himris owner.
New set of cloths for us and work on before banquet. Then theatre - Larani cuts Agrik�s hand off - and then a fish supper.
Balatar does some trading. Shopping. they have glazed windows and no locks.
24th Navek. Carriage to castle. These Elvish bards are really good. The best singers in the world.
After an initially shaky start I recite the Saga - rather condescending applause - I was having a bad day - nice wine.
Last item with Panaga, probably on mainland. We are the best to full fill quest, all others in all groups fail. But we need to go on a few minor quests first. Armour for Martyn, War Hammer for Zytsi, Lute for Daniel, Longbow for Estalyn, and 4 horses for Aruth (get horses, to get armour - Sorkin Mountains, War Hammer from?) Sword for Giles, Balatar has to get a boat, Ganymede a staff)
The thing following Martyn has to be dealt with. After getting armour we will have to go to Setha Heath and defeat the Elvish Demon.
Steps have been taken to ensure Frost stays dead.
Magic of limited use vs. Panaga as he is better.
This is the End of Part II of the Saga. (If you want to know what happened in the first part you are unlucky. They neglected to bring a bard along so it wasn�t recorded, therefore it doesn�t form part of the Panaga Saga.)
Return to Trobridge and then to Tashal.