Book Seven, Chapter Nine �Bowlhead gets stoned�
����������� 24/11/2007
We decide whether or not to use Rolemaster Express rules for combat, Robin will use those weapon tables with the original critical tables and we�ll see.
Exit party pursued by entire nation. Bowlhead gets the gem as the only one that offered Zytsi a bribe! We all try Bowlhead�s other ring that boosts his Int by 3, by every one rolled 1 for boosting their PP stat, except Zytsi rolled 2 to boost his ST so Bowlhead kept it.
Sir Martyn Draws a two-handed sword and stabs it into the ground, ah that will be an Agrikan one. We leave by flying down the road and fly for an hour. We decide not to follow the road and just fly across countryside for five days rather than nine days by road. We stop after the hour in the middle of nowhere with no paths within a mile.
Camp down for the day, with reverse watches. So who ever is on watch is asleep, and the rest of the party are awake. Except of course Sir Martyn changed the watches so rather it�s confusing. While Aruth and Zytsi are asleep the party is wandered, but Daniel doesn�t hear or see it. Bowlhead does and does and turns to stone. It�s also a hiss which causes fear, so Aruth wakes up and leaps out of the wagon in fear. Sir Martyn thinks it�s not a cockatrice, possibly a basilisk, and he inspires us and he goes onto SLA.
So the basilisk is going after the feared Ranger who is running away though the woods. Sir Martyn on SLA works this out and moves to intercept it.
Zytsi �Would a mirror be helpful?�
Daniel �Have you got one?�
Zytsi �No but I�ve got something shiny�
Aruth is making heavy whether of running away, but Sir Martyn catches up with it and hits it. Apparently it breathes poison gas; well it doesn�t know Sir Martyn is a Paladin.
Zytsi �Is it still in the clearing?�
Daniel �I must have a shaving mirror. Sedisi is it safe to look at it in a mirror? Sedisi?�
Zytsi �Oh dear.� Shouts �Keep talking.�
Sir Martyn �Seconds away round three.�
Sir Martyn slew the foul tortured beast then ran after Aruth. He catches up with Aruth when he came out of fear. Bowlhead came round after 56 minutes and Sedisi after 120 minutes.
Nothing much happens after that, well the basilisk kept them away.
We spend the next day hear so we can fly at night. When we take off and fly after three quarters of hour Aruth sees flashes of light up ahead. There are eight sources of light in front of us. We hang a right for 15 minutes and camp.
Sir Martyn and Sedisi
Aruth and Zytsi
Daniel and Bowlhead
But we are on anti-watches.
On third watch when Daniel and Bowlhead are asleep. Fire flashes about 15 feet in the air. Wake the party, get ready, and fire breathing multi-headed monster, firey hydra. Nine heads and on the first round each one breathed a cone of fire and every one in the party. Could be nasty, but it�s a poxy attack and Aruth and Bowlhead take a bit of damage so that�s alright then.
There are two Inspirations for a total of +55, a Protection Prayer for +10 vs. elemental attacks, and Bowlhead has cast the first off his new spell list. Aruth go into the wagon. Zytsi attacks a head and Sir Martyn attacks the body, and it attacks Sir Martyn. Zytsi kills a head so it grows two more. So two heads, either breath (as fire bolt) or melee attack each. Daniel got out the wagon to hit it and Bowlhead got set on fire.
It started off quite well with Sir Martyn, Zytsi and Daniel meleeing it and Aruth firing spells from the wagon. The fire attracting Healer in the wagon burned a great deal. The trouble was when it was just it was on its last legs we stopped hitting it hard, except Zytsi was juggling his weapon for a couple of rounds so it lasted a couple of rounds longer than expected. But it died.
Well how did Rolemaster Express rules work? Weapon versus weapon combat will be quicker, but monster are somewhat poxy. So our normal combats would be faster.
So we will start the next time just outside of Shostim having had routine encounters and move timeline on 14 days after leaving Kustan. Otherwise we give Robin 2 days warning and we go monster hunting.