Zytsi of Orinane ... is a famous Khuzdul mason, and there is nothing wrong with his beard.

Zytsi is short, round and close to the ground. 4'5", black hair, blue eyes, chubby, big bushy beard with seasonal tints. Right handed. Usually wears a floppy hat (with a helmet underneath) and Sindarin Chainmail.

After his parents killed by Gargun he was adopted by his Uncle Orith, who was a potter. His uncle hated him and used him as slave labour as well as beating him. He learned Masonry and fighting from ?? of Orinane. In addition he also heard the story of Hazmaralof who left to make his fame and fortune in the land of the tall. He has a Quest to find out what happened to Hazmaralof, who was possibly the greatest Mason in history. He left Azadmere in 719 for Burzyn. He started work on building extension to Temple of Larani in Tashal 15 Kelen 721.

A poem for Zytsi about the love of his life:
"Shall I compare thee to a two handed battle-axe,
useful to have and more than a hand full,
+25 with an extra-critical of a lesser severity on a different table.
A slim well formed body,
easy to grasp in a melee,
with a large heavy lump at the top,
very good against Gargun."